Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Smell of Books in Love

The Smell of Books in Love

if you extract
heat and chaos
from love

all that remains
will be the smell
of old lonely books

do not be fool-hearted
press on read ahead
sixteen pages further

to be exact

before you resolve
to abolish the appetite
for romantic urges

if you excerpt
poetry and whimsy
from friendship

all that will be left
will be the tang of acid
in the white zinfandel

do not be careless
do not be frivolous

if you omit ire
from your heart

pages will flourish
stories will survive


No nuggets of wisdom to share today, nothing pressing except to say that it's a brand new month.  How the blazes did it get to be August already!?  Where is the time going?  Geez Louise.

Happy August 1st!

Come as you are.

In propinquity,


  1. There's actually a lot of wisdom in today's poem, Beanie. I am certainly taking it to heart by omitting ire, cherishing poetry and whimsy, and admiring the perseverence of you sappy mushpot romantics. It's loaded with good advice and better reasons to take it.

    Luff yu :)

    1. I kinda wrote this with you in mind, Ru. Your comment on Jackson Pollock's Floor from yesterday got me back in touch with my sappy side and wrote this to ease the weary we've both been feeling.

      Luff you back!
