Sunday, August 18, 2013

Written Sideways

Today's prompt as I mentioned didn't really have a subject, its only rule was to turn your paper sideways and write, ignoring the lines if there were any.  Funny because I do this all the time or I fold a piece of blank paper in half and write on all of the folds.  Since I could write whatever I wanted, I started a poem and came up with this:

Written Sideways

the Sunday New York Times and crossword puzzles
your Ramones t-shirt, the toll of the mission bells
and a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with skim milk

modern love

the crazy amount of time we wasted laughing too hard
the countless hours of drawing big dreams in the sand

modern love making

a stack of old issues of Rolling Stone magazines
a plate of vegetables cheese fresh bread and red wine

modern love taking its time

after countless afternoons of conversations with myself
my mind entertains wisdom my body doesn’t understand

modern love making it’s move

gazing thoughtfully down on us who have never known

true love

written sideways

I turn to you


I am officially, certifiably spent.  I had a great weekend in the gorgeous weather.  I spent Friday evening with Colleen watching Jurassic Park on the Halifax waterfront and yesterday road tripped to my big brother's house for his annual gathering.  I had a really good time this year (constant headache notwithstanding) because a big chunk of my family came.  There were shenanigans, fireworks, a bonfire, guitars and singing and gut-busting laughter.  It was fantastic and I was also told I'm going to be a great auntie again!  My nephew Cory and his finance Katie are expecting.  Always lovely to hear of new life bound for this earth.  Another little one to snuggle and spoil.  I'm happy for them and my brother is ecstatic about being a grandfather.  So nice for he and my sister 'n' law.  God news is good news is good news.  Babies rule.

Two writing prompts and zero story work this weekend.  I am disgraceful.  This week, I WILL work.

Dexter then sleep.  

Goodnight, moon.

In propinquity,


  1. Another beauty, Bean. Wistful, air-brushed, romantic, vivid, gorgeous. I read this one with a dreamy sigh at the end. Thank you for the moment.

    1. You're most welcome. I actually felt the same was when I was writing it despite the fact that I was dead tired. It still fulfilled me and left me feeling a little bit lighter. I love when that happens.

    2. It's a sign that you're writing for yourself when you feel better afterward. I also wonder if writing when you're tired shuts up the internal editor and lets the flow run more smoothly. Mind you, I've also written crap when I'm tired. Must be a poet thing.
