Monday, October 28, 2013



unreliable whispers
in sturdy iambic pentameter
potent demonstrations
detailing the art of concision

erratic circumspection
around the mechanics of desire
intoxicating philanderer’s
account of foolish gallantry

intermittent sentience
verses articulated amid bedmates
to count the quickened beats
of stridently tolling hearts

in adversity, murmur
in question, clamour

hushed breath
                blatant curiosity

master rhymer
                of old-fashioned quatrains



In the middle of my writer's block came this poem.  I'm still staring at 'Burden'.  I feel close to tears because so much of it is in my head playing like slow moving pictures but I can't get it down on the page.  I'm creatively constipated.  It's uncomfortable.  

Sad about Lou Reed.  Sad that it's Monday and that it's almost November.  Winter is coming.  I'll have to start wearing socks.  Blerg.

In propinquity,

1 comment:

  1. You're not blocked if this came unbidden, Bean. I admit, there's a lot of big words in this one and I'm just a humble pirate, but that you are able to conjure such intricate phrases at all is an insipration to me. As for Burden, try letting it go for a bit and see what happens. Permit yourself to create elsewhere and eventually, the characters will be unable to stand the inattention.

    Must be the time of year or something. I'm feeling similarly constricted. Too much pre-Halloween treating, perhaps?
