Friday, November 1, 2013

Words Were Here

Words Were Here

a single sentence squandered
between two beleaguered


words were there
as a beginning

nothing remains

this poem was an accomplice

words were here


I still got nothing.  Wise words were sent to me, to be still, let it be and if you breathe, it'll come - the story for 'Burden'.  I agree.  I'm trying to be patient because my fingers are itchy and I'm busting at the seams but it's just not right yet.  So, a little esoteric poem like this one will have to suffice.  Maybe I need to get cracking and start doing the daily writing prompts again.  Yes?  Maybe this weekend since I have no large plans, I can swipe all the junk off my writing desk at home, set up a new playlist and work some things out.  Maybe if I throw my headphones on, get lost in the music and in thought, something will come.  It certainly helps.  I think I need to rearrange my desk too, perform a little Feng Shui, an exorcism perhaps, buy a few new candles or re-arrange my photographs.  Ooo, maybe add to my rock wall.  I do have a few items accumulated, a poster, some ticket stubs and a snapshot.  

I'm rambling here but my fingers are moving, I'll keep on keeping on and go easy in the meantime.  

Thank God it's Friday, the side of my brain I exercise passionately has been very lazy.

In propinquity,


  1. How did you do on the weekend, Bean? I was going to recommend that you let the prose rest for a bit and focus on your poetry, it being your strength, but I forgot how well you were doing with the daily writing prompts. Some of the pieces you posted were glorious! Little bites of prose, lol.

    I fear, however, that you may be falling victim to the daily grind. More on that in a "real" letter, but you're starting to sound like I have felt for years since the real world began to encroach upon my creative one. Time off becomes more precious because the 9 to 5 robs your soul. Time off to write becomes rarer still, since there is more to life than creativity - friends, family obligations, laundry, downtime like shopping and movies ... This is getting longer than your post, so enough already. When I figure out the answer myself, I'll let you know. Just know that you are not alone. You're not a fraud, either. You CAN write prose, you DO write believable characters and you ARE a writer. Poet first, maybe, but everything else second.

    1. I axed 'Burden' for now. As my friend pointed out, the title is highly ironic since the story has been cumbersome and I am blocked. The good news is, I've started pecking at something else that was inspired by the Giller Prize win. From an article I read. I'm doing it as an exercise to get back to being a writing machine.

      Thank you for having such faith in moi, your reply, which was almost longer than my entry, means a lot to me.


    2. It's worth what you paid for it, Beanie. I'm glad you're working on something else, though. As long as you're writing something, yes?
