Thursday, October 3, 2013

Maybe We Need More Words

Maybe We Need New Words

maybe we need more words
for the puddle deep thinkers
the crazy anti-art pulpit poseurs
the ego-crazy writers

maybe we need more words
to lengthen the traditional
means of literary warfare
to re-shape everything we already love
to ban blue eyes and call for a
crackdown on fake reviews

maybe we need to split the definition
of half shapes and tense shifts
divide the meaning of rare talent
and imperfect endowment

maybe we need to extend the metaphor
work around the clock to make more words
re-invent the rich dimension of human frailty
our writers and bloggers and poets elaborate on

maybe we need more words
more language



Just a little poem today as I move forward into a new story, yet to be titled, about a woman named Ruth Moody.  So far, that's all I know.  

I am starting to come down with a cold me thinks.  At first I thought it was allergies and it may have started out that way but I can feel my throat starting to get itchy scratchy and my eyes glaze over.  I CANNOT get coughy fevery because I have a play to see on Saturday and I HATE cough drops.  HATE.  I pray to the health Gods it's just a wee sniffle.  *fingers crossed*  I am pumped to see Mary Vingoe's new play at Neptune Theatre.  It's called 'Refguee'.  Did I mention I am pumped?  Artist date, sick or not.

One more sleep until the weekend.  Grateful.  I need some serious couch time tomorrow night with blankets and pillows.

And before I go, a big birthday shout out across the miles to to Terri!  *throws confetti*

In propinquity,

1 comment:

  1. "puddle deep thinkers", lol! Oh, *wipes tears from eyes* I know this isn't meant to be funny, Nic, but your magical manner of dispensing jibes at the enemies of pure writing versus formula-driven pap is truly rewarding. I feel vindicated!

    Funny you should suggest more words ... I was thinking the other day how I, who am considered among some to wield a fairly extensive vocabulary, require a dictionary when reading some of your stuff. You know many more bigger words than I do, that's fer sure. Maybe we don't need more. Maybe we just need to teach the next generation to use the ones we have.

    Stay healthy, sweetie, and have a good weekend. Luv yew.
