Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I had a dream last night that distressed me.  It involved two people I care about deeply and in this dream their intention was to deliberately deceive me, right in front of my eyes.  Because of the sensitive nature of the dream, names and specifics are being withheld but suffice it to say when I woke up I was incredibly angry.  It took a minute to realize it was only a dream, a terrible dream and a massive figment of my over-active imagination at work.  To exorcise it, I wrote a poem.  It’s harsh and blunt but in truth, deceit does indeed delineate us.  I’ve known enough of it to know and have reached my tolerance level, perhaps which is why the dream bothered me so much prompting me to put the drama down on the page.  I confess the faux deception stuck with me for a little bit, took some time to shrug off but after a quick conversation with a close friend, opting to write it out seemed to be the best course of action. 


the death of love
is inevitable

the careful detail
of your embellished

serve as
ample evidence.

Our supreme fusion
was my estate
my indemnity

your penchant for
roving & weakness
for effluence

obliges our
obvious deconstruction.

The revelation
of your leaden character
exhorts my command

to seek compensation
with laborious precision
for incurred hurt

of which you will
extraordinarily deny.

The aforementioned
damages are substantial
souvenirs of your pretense

only noteworthy
to shape your paltry
place in the grand scheme

of things that will no
longer concern you.

Deception defines us all.


Anyway, enough of that.  It’s written out.  Done.  Finis!

In other literary news, I started toying with a new short story.  It is tentatively titled, ‘Seated Women’.  As far as I can tell, it’s about friendship, courage and human connection.  It’s been a bit of a rough start but I really like the characters and wish I’d had more time to spend with them over the weekend.  They’re talking up a storm in my head but it isn’t hitting the page nearly as fast.  Unlike ‘Whistle’ which sort of just fell out of me, ‘Seated Women’ will be a long laborious challenge.  I look forward to it though, very much.  I had thought to set myself a deadline but I’m just going to let their story percolate and stream as it comes.  You can’t rush beauty.

I submitted something too for the last issue of Open Heart Forgery for the year.  I can’t wait until the next reading.  I have some poems to articulate.

Happy Spring-day-in-November, a whopping 17 degrees out in the Halifax area today.  No complaints here.

Stay beautiful.

In propinquity,


  1. Dreams are funny. I'm not proud of the number of times I've allowed dreams I've had to affect my daily life. Evidently I need to write some of that down.

    I wish I could go to bed and wake up with brilliance pouring out of my fingertips. You are a treasure.

    1. Put the drama on the page, lady. That's where it belongs, not bottled up. I learned that the hard way.

