Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wild Boys

Turns out my pro/antagonist started out as a bit of a tart.  Getting to know this egregious rock star turned insular singer/songwriter is proving to be a bumpy ride.  It’s coming in flashes and so it causes me to write horribly out of sequence which I am now used to but piecing it all together is like solving a Rubik Cube in the dark.  What’s more is the horrifying twist this story takes.  It’s unsettling to be privy to such calculation and abrasion and know that it’ll be me to commit it to paper.  My instinct is to procrastinate, to write the easy stuff first but I think perhaps if I get the end out, the rest will slide easily into place.

I have the urge to listen to Bowie while I write this one so I will be doing so this evening after my bookstore adventure right after work.  My star’s music isn’t akin to Bowie’s sound but his antics are narrowly inspired by Ziggy Stardust, or so he has shown me. 

Wild boys always shine.

In propinquity,



  1. Horrible as it may be to write this one or parts thereof, remember that you are only the scribe. I say again: we as writers are not always responsible for our characters' actions. We are responsible for relating them as closely as possible without succumbing to gratuitously offensive means. Unless your IQ is down there with the sponges, which I know for a fact yours is not, there's no need for excess vulgarity or obscene acts of violence.

    Rock star, eh? Well, we know a few of them, don't we? Princes all.

    1. Make no mistake, violence will erupt in this one. But, because I am the scribe in charge, I will do my best to impart its horrifying impact with as much humanity as I can. That's the only way I'll get it down. I'm a non-violent human as it is so having to write it out in the first place scares me. It's the first time a character has ever presented me with such an episode. It's his story but my job to make sense of it. I hope I can.

    2. I know you'll do the act justice in the least offensive - and subsequently perhaps the most powerful - way. It IS scary to write something that would otherwise curl your toes. I have similar self-talks about some of the stuff my characters get up to, but in the end, I think it turns out all right. I must get a little numb to it by the end result, because Ter has told me at times that her hair stands on end and I just go, 'Really? I thought it was kinda watered down!'

      Good luck, Nic. I'm sure you'll learn a lot from this phase in your development. Methinks that's what this boy has come to teach you.
