Tuesday, June 21, 2016



you are not without amazement
you know what it means to smile
birds winging toward the horizon
soft blushing moccasin flowers
dazzling darkness of old midnight
have you ever seen anything more
beautiful in your life? all the lovely
words billowing toward your heart
feather kisses on your glossy cheek
you taught me how to love this world
be surprised by unexpected kindness
content in the pure peace of giving
we are bound by unbreakable string
the bond of blood, flesh and home
                                thank you


Missing my Dad so badly on Father's Day this year really made me think about and want to express just how deeply I love my Mom. She is such a dear-heart: kind, gentle, humble, generous of spirit and has no idea how to say no (although she's gotten much better at it out of sheer necessity in recent years). She isn't rich but is wealthy in all of the ways that matter and she deserves the world. She is often lonely, never complains, never judges, doesn't ask for a thing. I am so grateful for all of the gifts she's given to me, my propensity for goodness and my inclination to care for others without condition are on the rather lengthy list. I have watched her come through her life with such grace and quietude. To be certain, she has endured a great deal of hardship but she never allows that to tarnish her ability to shine in the light and in love.

This one is for you, Mom. I love you.

In propinquity,


  1. Said very beautifully my little sister. I too have seen these unfailing qualities in mom and still marvel to this day How Beautifull her soul is. Selfless and yet all loving even through all the heartaches. I can only hope to be half the person she has personified to me through my lifetime till now. I love you mom. You have taught me much to live up to. So humble.with infinite unconditional love. I have been and continue to be raised by the best. Judi

  2. I have always believed it's a testament to maternal success if an adult child - especially a daughter - is pleased rather than horrified to realize that "I'm just like my mother!"

    I may have the best mum for myself, but it's clear that Mom Myers is the best one for you. I am certainly grateful for her, else I wouldn't have her wonderful little girl in my life!

    Nice tribute, Nic. I'm sure you could have elaborated indefinitely but the final line says it all and with love.
