Monday, June 24, 2013

Learning To Lose Control

Matt Epp at The Carleton, June 23rd, 2013

I feel as though every time I write about Matt Epp I sound like a big ol’ sappy broken record.  But, my vastly talented friend from Winnipeg deserves the accolades, the praise; he deserves world domination.  There simply is no one else like him, Matt Epp is an exceptionally rare artist who fortifies his audience and writes songs that reach into the core of your humanness and culls the best of you out and upward.

This was a unique visit to Halifax for Matt.  He’s fond of Halifax and said he’s never come for a show without at least spending a week.  This time, his band van pulled up in front of The Carleton at the same time we did to secure good seats for the show, sip on sangria and enjoy each other’s company.  Watching bands load in, I always feel bad, like I should be grabbing a bag of cords or a guitar case to heave in.  It comes from carrying gear for my brother throughout the years.  My friends and I sat and nibbled on our fine food and drink while the band busied themselves with turning the tiny Carleton stage into ‘Amoria’ complete with Turkey’s flag, a sign of love for Matt’s wife who hails from that country and as a sign of solidarity for their people who are facing trying times. 

I had a few minutes before leaving for the show to listen to a few songs by French Press, Matt’s opening act.  I was impressed with her songwriting style and the unique loveliness of her voice.  Her live performance did not disappoint.  She performed for us a set of songs she sang beautifully with an acoustic guitar and won the room over with her delicate presence and her talents.  Our table was in unison, unanimous in that we predict big and wonderful things will happen for Chantal Emond.  She is graceful and lovely and added those exact qualities to an already exceptional group of traveling musicians.

It was wonderful to be present for Matt’s Halifax return because he brought with him his brand new record ‘Learning To Lose Control’.  This tour was in support and celebration of a record that hundreds of people made possible.  To make this record, Matt enlisted the help of his fans, family and friends.  Using online fundraising to reach a specific goal in order to pay for the recording etc.  With each donation he created this fantastic youtube ‘thank you’ videos to each and every person who put money in the pot to pre-order the record.  I was so pleased to see him reach his goal that allowed him to release such a tremendous record.  It’s beautiful.  The songs, the artwork, the packaging.  Simply gorgeous, an important extension to his already inspiring and indelible body of work.

The last time he played at The Carleton it was just he and his guitar.  This time around, he brought his band, The Amorian Assembly’ with him.  In addition to his most excellent bassist Joel Couture, he had The Wooden Sky’s drummer and a guitar player called Mike Tuyp (tagged as ‘The Best Tuyp’) with him.  Delightfully, Chantal Emond joined them all for the duration of the show, her voiced added such a beautiful texture to the new songs and the ones I love from his past efforts.  It was a full, vibrant sound with Matt’s soulful voice at the helm.  Together, they played several songs off of ‘Learning To Lose Control’ and a handful of his best songs and there are many.  I was particularly pleased that he played ‘Too Cool’ from his ‘Safe or Free’ record.  It was one of the first songs that really drew me into his music so it has a special place for me.  During the song last night I was busy jamming in my seat, singing along as happy as could be, so much so Matt acknowledged my singing from the stage.  It’s just one of those songs you can just groove to, feel the salt of the earth absorb into your soul, it just takes you like a wave and you’re surfing on its crest in complete peace.  And really, that’s what I derive from all of Matt’s music, peace.  Inner peace.  It makes every fiber of my being feel content and blessed to be alive.  That’s the power of good music, the architecture of a passionate artist.  Matt is indeed one of those.

He took a moment in the night to speak about Jay Smith, the grave loss we all feel, he shared some of his thoughts and feelings, but mostly he remembered Jay for being an exceptional songwriter and broke into ‘Romantic Fool’.  I sucked back the tears but felt the love filter through the room.  Further proof that the strength in music does indeed sustain us, it lets us feel every single thing as we should because life is emotional and painful and joyful and ongoing and most importantly, it aids us in our healing.  It’s altogether poignant and beautiful.  Needed, crucial and life affirming.  I am certain that Jay was there in every note.  He certainly was in our hearts.

It was another night of absolute elevation for me.  I really respect and believe in the music Matt writes and shares.  He is consistent with his positive essence, his innate storytelling ability and his reasons to rock.  One of my favorite Canadians brought a new record, a superb band and the love of music with him.  If you weren’t present, you missed out.  Truly.

I left the bar not only inspired, peaceful and blessed but full of a great sense of creative purpose.  I showed up with dear friends for a dear friend and came away a little bit of a better human being for having been there.  If music is magic, Matt Epp is an efficient magician who dazzles and dares one to delve deep, for love of self, each other, God and the world.  For those things am ever grateful and continue to revel in his work and pay it forward any chance I get.  He deserves that.

The Carleton really is the best venue in Halifax for live shows.  I am a big believer in the ‘listening room’ concept and really appreciate that I can spend my money on a show and as a serious music lover, sit and listen without having to hear people banter over the band.  I want to experience a song, an artist when I buy a ticket.  I can do that at The Carleton and it’s amazing.  Major props to the owners and staff for always being so hospitable and for booking world class artists like Matt Epp.

‘Learning To Lose Control’ is a phenomenal record.  It even features Serena Ryder.  It’s available on iTunes and if he comes to your town, at the merch table.  I know you’ll want to add it to your music library.  Be warned, if you buy one record, you’ll want them all.

In propinquity,


  1. I feel the same way about Matthew Schoening, whose latest album was also produced through online donations. He's on tour, too, but not coming to Victoria, alas.

    Your recommendation has me curious about this Matthew - off to iTunes I go!

  2. I had the privilege to be enveloped my Matt's wonderful music in a small home concert in pembroke Ontario. It was an experience I will never forget and I would definitely recommend to anyone who has the opportunity to see him live to take that time for your self. You will not regret it!
