Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hello, stars.

Hello, stars.

If you wish it so
I will shape every

lovely word

quietly congregating
in your warm heart

set them into the stars

so that the keenness
of their true meaning

might whisper
                in your ear

whenever darkness falls.

Only if you wish it so.


A little poem off the cuff.  Slightly romantic but nothing special.  Just a few thoughts, a few words on something that resembles love and loyalty.  Two things I believe to be precious commodities, two things that are far too rare.

So, it's John Taylor's 53rd birthday today.  Yes, that John Taylor, from Duran Duran.   I have a lot of love and deep respect for him.  In addition to being the wallpaper on my adolescent bedroom walls, he has served (both in Duran Duran and his solo efforts) as a huge portion of the soundtrack of my life.  Not only with his music but the music I was turned onto because he liked it.  Same can be said about art, books and films.  I love how inspiration is, a long succession of moving sentiments passed down from one blown mind to another.  I admire his creative spirit, his fortitude, is attitude and his art.  I am grateful mostly though because through him, his decisions and and music, I met some of the most incredible people who live in all corners of the world, who have become my extended family, my heroes.  These women and few men remind me that this big crazy world is still beautiful and that there are always things to be grateful for even when the chips are down.  I have watched these people get married, have babies, be present to celebrate their accomplishments, support them with hardships; and for the few we've lost, Bec and Lisa, we remember.  The friendships I have formed have elevated my life, made me better and they continue to inspire me to be better still.  John Taylor made all this possible.  That, is a beautiful thing.  He is the man.  And for that and because he's just a good egg, I wish him a very happy birthday today.

It's the eve of my four day weekend.  I took vacation days tomorrow and Monday.  I have some errands to run, one of which is to apply for a passport.  After I hit publish on this little ditty I have to do my check-list:  birth certificate, passport photos, form fully filled out and most importantly my money.  The goal is to take a week-long trip south with friends as a late birthday present for myself and my friend Colleen.  My birthday is in December, hers is January, exactly one month apart.  For this milestone, we're planning a girls getaway in the Spring of 2014.  Sad to say that it'll be my first official grown-up vacation.  A real vacation.  Exciting stuff.  That's the current plan.  Who knows what next year will bring.  If all else fails, I'll hop on a plane west and go visit Ruthie, one of my most important comrades gained from the Taylor times.  Anything is possible.

On the writing front, I got another little chunk written this week.  Slow going but I'm enjoying the process.  I'm hoping these four days off will be productive.  And of course, this is Matt Epp weekend!  Sunday night at The Carleton!  Yayayayayay!  I'll be on inspiration overload Monday, just you wait and seeeeee.

Still feels like a work night because I'm pooped.  Brewing a small cup of vanilla tea and crawling into bed.  I won't turn the TV on tonight, instead I'll use the time to reflect, count blessings and send my prayers up.

Hug your people.  They need you.

In propinquity,


  1. Aside from the fact that I LOVE THIS POEM (and you), I am awed at your expression of how much a public figure can mean to someone. Idols and icons can inspire people to create the finest art, help unearth troves of creative discovery, or simply make us feel good by sharing their talents with us. JT has certainly done his share of inspiring over his lifetime. He's also the star in his own version of "Six Degrees of Separation", given the number of people whom technology was able to link together.

    If a single celebrity has this much influence on a global population, imagine how much we as individuals have in our little corners of the world. As JT's compatriot, SLB, has sung, "Tiny lives mean everything." You`re my idol, Nic. I`m as inspired by your talent as I am by our hero`s. I can`t believe you wrote this beautiful poem `off the cuff`. Grrr!

    1. I like to believe that inspiration is a forward moving movement. Tiny lives DO mean everything. Everything matters. TTP taught us that. We have shown each other that, being writers, good humans and sensitive hearts who acknowledge such things. You're my idol too, Ru. Your orbit in my sky does my heart good, it eases my soul and it inspires. <3
