Thursday, May 16, 2013

White Falcon

White Falcon

a guitar gradually moans
until it hollers and howls

under the spell of a man
discreet about his survival


under an unforgiving light
in stacked heel cowboy boots

resourceful narrator
ingenious raconteur

deploys the white falcon
a propulsive amalgam of

succinct winsome dialect
impulsive rash upsurges

arresting patent passion
meticulous marauding

striking five hoary strings
on a wide hollow body

solid spruce arch-top
and laminated maple

strong back curved sides
burnished laced in gold

white layered binding
ebony neck pearl inlay

clean white lustrous form
sleek golden pick-guard

illustrious gold engraving

the falcon


rock ‘n’ roll
hierarchy and a hat
jeans and leather coat

and a guitar
too imperial to ignore


The anniversary show at The Carleton last night was fantastic.  I really enjoyed listening to two Canadian bands I'd never heard of before.  It's such an intimate atmosphere in there too which adds to the stellar groove of any evening spent there.  I had a good time with my new friend, Heather, discussing writing, music, Jim Morrison, Halifax vs Moncton and various other topics, all accompanied by good music and a nip of wine.  

The subject of Billy Duffy, The Cult and his signature guitar, a Gretsch White Falcon came up.  We discussed the awesomeness of the instrument at great length and mused on its beauty and its place in the rock 'n' roll spectrum.  

I kept thinking about the cover of The Cult's Sonic Temple tour program cover and who woulda thunk a poem would formulate.  

In other writing news, I started a new short story.  EEP!  I thought I'd take a wee breather and stretch my creative muscles but I guess if poems are still coming and I'm still getting the whispers all is right with the world.  This current story, title already firmly in place, 'Hardscrabble', has had me giggling up a storm.  I wonder if my rampant viewing of 30 Rock has anything to do with the fact there's a comedic element to it?  I look forward to see where it goes.  Going easy with this one, letting it unfold as it will, the same as I did with 'Mute' which people really seem to love much to my delight.

Long weekend is looming!  One more work day and I'll have three glorious days to myself.  With any luck I'll get an artist date in this weekend and see where 'Hardscrabble' takes me.

Hug your people today!  Just because you should.

In propinquity,


  1. If I was a bigger Cult fan, I could get past Andy Taylor's comment that rock and roll was doomed if Billy Duffy was its future, lol. That said, I certainly appreciate the tone and style of a great guitarist's weapon. I don't even know what make/model Peter Frampton played in the 70s, but he made it sing like an angel when he set his mind to it.

    Beautiful poem, Bean. I adore your odes! "A guitar too imperial to ignore." Augh! If he'd had your talent, John Keats would have been famous :)

    1. Andy Taylor is a dolt! ;) I am a big fan of The Cult, their earlier stuff anyway. Their show I saw as a youngin' for the 'Sonic Temple' tour was incredible.

      It's too bad John Keats never made it big. ;)

      Thanks, Ru. xo
