Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Oh, It Was Absurd

I came across this photo of Bette and Joan today. And, after reading a few creativity-related articles online, this cheeky, if not slightly bellicose poem materialized. It felt good to put something with a little more edge on paper after completing a rather sad short story yesterday. I've written two stories now in the past few weeks. I still haven't started the monster edits on 'Sillyheart' yet but they are coming. So are the stories. If they are coming, I'm going to write them. There's no rush, right?

So, the poem:

Oh, It Was Absurd

Oh, it was absurd that time when I slid across
the polished floor boards of my old house in my
sock feet and slapped her across the face with an
old back issue of the Vasser Quarterly. Thwack!
I’m ashamed to say I tried to apologize with a
note composed in my childish handwriting but
it was not received as warmly as it was written.
Oh, it was absurd the way she tried to discredit
me in front of all of our friends accusing me of
being the cause of propaganda poems, posturing.
She got two thirds of the way through her cruel
and disparaging diatribe while on speaker phone.
I don’t know what it was the tone of her snooty
voice or the cock of her big bonce whatever it
was made the last straw in me snap and so I swiftly
swatted her in the most knee-jerk inimical manner.
Her haughty jowls stretched into a shocked mask –
oh, it was absurd. I’d take it all back in a heartbeat
but the expression on her face was priceless.


Ready for a little sunshine on my face. I welcome today's commute home just for that.

In propinquity,


  1. Perfect! Oh, I laughed at the last line - I get this poem in so many ways I can't even count them. But it reminds me most strongly of the time I bounced a volleyball off a classmate's head because she said something snotty about me under her breath and I just lost it. I regretted it almost immediately (actually, not), but the expression on her face was indeed ...

    1. There's a poem in there somewhere too, Ru! Maybe you should give it a go?
