Friday, April 6, 2018

Facebook Frequency

Facebook Frequency

I am privy to
her expectations
her extrapolations
her prospects
her suspicions
her boundaries
her limitations
her prerequisites
& her imaginings
I would
to call her

a friend


This poem was built from the wee bottom up from eavesdropping while on my artist date last night. I heard to gals in the booth beside me discussing social media. Girl A was considering deactivating her account because she had amassed a friend list of people she barely knew and wasn’t excited about them knowing every intimate detail of her life. Girl B was a Facebook addict and simply could not live without the likes and accolades and attention heaped upon her by her friends. It was an interesting conversation to say the least and almost hard to hear from the zillion TV screens blasting the Masters but strained long enough to get the gist. The two friends pretty much agreed to disagree on the matter but it conjured words that spilled out of my pen and onto my napkin.

Successful artist date all around!

In propinquity,

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