Thursday, September 6, 2018

( amour fou )

( amour fou )

we leave
the house to ramble
when twilight stretches
we amble to the art gallery
where he insists on lingering
in front of extraordinarily tragic
post-war paintings on the second floor
we pass through halls lined with useless geezers
note their somnolent eyes, pouched cheeks, sadness
& corridors of the historical male gaze on the female body
he is always in a fevered search of earth-toned abstractions
while I loiter in the sublime aspect of following him around


My pal is back with poem prompts! I traded the crossword puzzle on my morning commute for a bit of pecking. The prompt: crazy love. I opted for translating it into French for the title and went to town and then paired it with a post-war Pollock.

Being able to write this poem opened up my chest. I’ve had my big fat head buried in the sand of late. I can’t get out of my own way. Writing always helps. I still feel grizzled and unsettled, unsure of myself, of everything. Writing helped me today. Grateful for that. It’s hard to need to open up only to be flouted. So silence, walls. Big thick walls. There’s nowhere for the drama to go but the page, right? At least this way someone is listening to something other than inside out anguish. Soul is tired. And still, I persevere.


In propinquity,


  1. I love this poem, Nicole. Will you send it to OH Forgery someday? But you should be trying to publish your own book. Janet
