Thursday, May 22, 2014

Burning Bright

With all of the ups and downs, hills and valleys of late, be it work, toxic friends or everyday static, something unexpected and extraordinary happened.  

Sitting on the sofa one evening scrolling endlessly through social media, I saw that heart-wrangler Royal Wood was making a stop in Halifax, playing St. Matthew's Church on Barrington Street.  There was a contest to win tickets to the show.  All I needed to do was email my full name and postal code -to Long & McQuade.  I did and promptly forgot about it, got up and went about my night.

Crazy days later, I checked my email mid-way through a hectic work day to discover I had won!  It lifted my spirits in an instant.  I read the email quickly and felt my cheeks flush with happy pink and a smile spread across my cranky face.  I noticed something else in the email so I slowed my pace and read the whole email, beginning to end, to learn that I not only one two tickets to his sold out show and two meet and greet passes but I had also won an acoustic guitar!  WHAT!?  No. WAY.

Yes way.  I picked it up today.  It's gorgeous and appropriate for a guitar neophyte who has always wanted to be a drummer.  They told me in the email that he would be pleased to sign it for me after the show but I can't run around downtown Halifax with an acoustic guitar in my hand sans case.  Plus, it's just too exquisite to mar with writing.  I vow to take exceptional care of it and in honour of this win, I will name it after the artist associated.

Meet Royal Wood II:

Needless to say I am just tickled over this and can't wait to acquire a proper stand for it to display in my writing room.  The next thing will be to find someone to teach me how to play.  I also want a swanky strap. I like to accessorize after all.  I won't get to display it for a little while yet though.  We had a flood in our basement so a ton of things are boxed up and housed in my creative space until the insurance people and contractors get their work done.  Damn washer drum went and caused a right bloody mess.  The silver lining is, the basement will brand spanking new so the headache of the construction will be worth it in the end.

I am embarrassed that it's been so long since I've touched my blog.  I haven't been writing much, scribbling notes for a new story.  I did write the first 1000 words and see it the whole picture but the next tiny section is important so I have been mulling over how to proceed.  This will be my summer project.  I am shooting for the same length as the last, maybe longer.  I will take my time and enjoy the process.  It feels nice to have new imaginary friends again to work with, talk to and listen to.

In honour of my my date with Royal Wood on Saturday (and The Trews CD release tomorrow night which will be a sweaty shit show) I am posting this poem I just finished pecking at in my groovy guitar delight.  It is not about anything guitar related, perhaps drums though.  I'll never tell.

Hunting a Heartbeat

a full moon illuminates
a light that is a new grace

a hopeful pursuit
and winter is in him

sometimes emissary
sometimes taciturn
sometimes mawkish

always striking

his face pressed firm in my mind
lying back in a field of dandelions

daydreams swindle

bamboozled by his profound rhythm
hunting his wild pulsing sustenance

nighttime hunger

the morning sun radiates
a desire that warms my bones

a vernacular subsumed
and cadence is in him

a provocative tension
an unintended faithfulness
a stunning gift to blaze

hunting his heartbeat
a wonder(lust)ful assignment

for a woebegone versifier


I will not dissect the meaning for you.  The Muse, I'll never tell. Hee.

Green tea and catching up on Penny Dreadful now and a bit of light reading before sleep and Friday arrives.

In propinquity,

Royal Wood.  Know him.  Love him.


  1. Holy shit, Nic. SO COOL.

    And the poem is great. Probably one of my favorites from you in, like, forever. (Not that I've disliked any. Lol. You know what I mean.)

  2. I miss your poetry, Nic. When you drop a gem like this, it sends me into a world unlike any other and inspires me to stretch my own talent beyond its reach. For instance, I have long sensed a story in SLB's lyric to Secret Oktober, and this poem of yours has just sharpened that sense ...
