Friday, April 15, 2016

Pining For Paris

Pining for Paris

my longing is etched long bold letters
pining for Paris & cheap un-taxed wine
cheeses & meats from tripe butchers
they describe unrequited passions for a
tall, angular, red-bearded Poet I met in
an ambiguous little Left Bank theatre
the balm of his velvet jacket still haunts
much like our exchange of amorous sighs
him bare-chested & magnificently mannered
a stalwart protector of my ancient ramparts  
& staunch supporter of my peculiar feuds with
the glamorous daughters of the Latin Quarter

it has been the bluest season summer in Sausalito
without the grandeur & misery of artistic struggles
bound to an up-market houseboat with a warm
wood-burning stove & flinty marble kitchenette
anyone else would adopt this way-to-live-easy
flower-power/beatnik/60’s ethos of peace & love
as a sleepy delight, a passive anchorage, rescue
nestled in a pine-forest inspecting an inlet stippled
with millionaire’s homes perched high on stilts
cormorants floating on calm waters of the blue bay
estuary & seals basking in the glint of morning sun

yet I am pining for Paris’s 19th century cityscape
crisscrossed with wide abundant boulevards
I miss my hideously imaginative & fraught friends
Mathilde, Guillaume, Ponce, Helene, Tempeste
the fledgling virgins tittering on cold cobblestones
in bright floppy hats waiting on fetching singers
I miss my mouth full of pink marquise diamonds
these ox-eye daises are rancorous to the tongue
I miss chain-smoking, pomposity, & sexist editors
with debauched parsing and lumbering syntax
I prefer the raised eyebrows of the highbrow
two glasses of Bordeaux to quench a squabble
rosy begonias perfectly paired with sartorial feats
to offset waves of elation and despair only the
pulling each other apart at the seams could cull
I want lethargies & stale perfume wafting though
where old ornate & painted ostrich eggs adorned
the lip of a gaudy over-sized bronzed bathtub

instead here I lounge in Sausalito in my wretchedness
writing sexually charged poems about Frank O’Hara
pining profoundly for Paris & it’s seductive bohemia
wine & figs the muse of impressionist painters
once the bloody cynosure of the French Revolution
I long for the heartbreak & the madness of it all
occupying berry-hued café chairs with dusky company
their thick fingers curling around burgundy rimmed cups

give me back my poets,
give me absolute beginners
                the young & the restless

                                return me to my reason.


Been pecking at this one for awhile. I've added, subtracted, deleted, re-entered and re-arranged so many times I've lost count. I had this pang from a wee character explaining how, even though she is now residing in a beautiful retreat, she longs for and prefers the mess and drama of her former life in a much different time.

It was fun to write. I am certain, in future, there will be more changes, additions and take-aways, but for now, I blog.

Happy Friday! 

In propinquity,

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