Wednesday, February 17, 2016



in the drizzling rain
bone-chilled from an
icy wind that gave way
to an indescribable fog
she shivers
under a thin scarf
mobile in dense boots
against the brownish
gray of an idle town
                she transfers
toward a provisional
soaked in melancholy
as the bus pulls away


I did something. I submitted poems to an online journal today. I don’t know they’ll even consider me as they are based out of Brooklyn and I am Canadian but it was worth the risk, yes? I don’t know what prompted me to do it, I rarely submit my work these days, and yet I was compelled to compose a professionally worded cover letter, a light bio (which has little in the way of published details to speak of), four poems and blammo. Sent. Can’t take ‘em back now!

It was an impulse submission. I felt a little rush of adrenaline that I am sure will morph into a gentle sigh when they say thanks but no thanks. It’s the process though, right? Trusting it, trusting yourself and your words. If I’ve accomplished anything today, it’s those three things. They are important

Sharing a wee poem here now that seems appropriate for the duck-like weather we’re having today, well above zero temperatures in the middle of February. It’s almost like winter on the west coast! I’ll take it.

Happy Wednesday!

In propinquity,


1 comment:

  1. Nic, that's awesome! Good for you, taking that step of following the nudge! I wonder what prompted, and what may come of your courage .... maybe not what we expect, but something better?
