Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ode to Flânerie

Ode to Flânerie

idle about town

making short notes
taking quick snaps

roaming aimlessly
by languid stride

fervent wanderer
wholly detached

amateur detective
utterly enthralled

astride my heart
a poised calm

pleasurably free
airy perspective

idle about town

a Flâneur

brazenly unaided
delightfully so


My dear friend Ruthie introduced me to the word Flânerie. Its meaning simply: aimless idle behaviour. Much like many an artist date. It’s an enjoyable word, it rolls off the tongue like a dream and then sets into motion the glorious act of bumming around without a plan, putting you in adventure’s way, following any whim. I have done this countless times, participated in such a manner and soaked up every single glorious second of it. I have always been grateful to consider my artist dates an exercise in flânerie, always grateful to my dear friend for sharing the essence of it. I am an absolute Flâneur, no question: unapologetically so, so unapologetic that I wrote this silly little poem as a way of shouting my love for flânerie from the rooftops. And, as a thank you to Ru.

Roam free, fair-weather friends!

In propinquity,



  1. Beanie, if Chopin had employed words instead of notes, he would have written poems like this. I - love - it! In fact, it makes me want to go on a flanerie, so, as I'm already wearing my sneakers ...

    1. DO it! I had fun writing this one mostly because I had you in mind the whole time.
