Saturday, April 5, 2014

Give Up The Host

Give Up The Host

you shared a poem with me
in the glow of after-supper light
on a bed of rocks in the backyard

through mere wisps of moonlight
you said you write for yourself to
write for everyone who will heed

the message buried deep in metaphors
hidden sound in pop culture references
paraded truths in vibrant & obscene colors

to make your insides known

you shared a little song with me
in an even slice of fresh morning dawn
under a shaded tree in a bleeding field

bemused and moody you admit your secret

the secret you lock up in the corners of your art
that you would gladly give up your mortal host
in exchange for just a moment’s peace and quiet

when the tears tumbled deep down my throat
you reached over and touched my trembling hand
and said, “I’d give up the host just to stand still and silent.”

“I would crawl backwards in the dark over broken glass
for you to stay,” I implored. 

and still you insisted

all tomorrow’s parties burn in darkness while you dance
in the Heavens


Kurt Cobain has been gone 20 years today.  My question is, where has 20 whole years gone?  And what other words and songs and art would he have put into the world.  This reminds me that life is precious, that friends are your foundation and that listening, really listening when the people you love speak and cry and stomp their feet is important.  We are all we have in the end, we are who we are because of who we are with and what we do.

The world is robbed of beautifully talented souls every single day because we missed the signs, we didn't hear their cries and ignored the realities.  One soul gone is one too many.  Having said that, I think this song is appropriate for the moment and the intent of this poem, this post.  I attended the launch of this video at The Carleton.  It was an emotional evening and an important one.

Pay attention to your people.  Always.

In propinquity,

The beautiful Brian Byrne singing is very important song to support the Arizona Project.

Visit here:

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This one is truly, deeply, wrenchingly beautiful, Bean. The further I read, the bigger the knot grew in my throat. I remember when Kurt died. At the time, I didn't understand what could possibly have driven him to take his own life. 20 years later, I think I understand that he did what he came to do, and that anything more he'd have done had he stayed might not have held the same impact because people are idiots.

    Sometimes we have to lose our sight before we can see.

    Bless you, Beanie, this one is a pure treasure. I - love - it.
