Monday, September 9, 2013

Inspiration Strikes

I have officially started writing ‘Too Much To Contain’ – the story that I’ve been thinking about a lot but was too afraid to write due to its dark, violent nature.  Today, I posed the question to my Facebook friends :  Why do good people do bad things?  The discussion culled up a great deal of excellent fodder for my fiction writing but one friend of mine posed something that just blew the whole story wide open for me and I’m actually really excited about how the idea has re-shaped.   And, if you’ve guessed, this story will be music related.  I’m still a wee bit frightened but now that I am starting to understand the motivations, it seems less daunting. 

When I am home this evening, I plan to compile a playlist appropriate for the subject matter and get out my brainstorming board and go nuts.  Who wishes she had vacation days now so she could write for hours on end?!  Sheesh.  Inspiration comes when it comes!

Happy Monday!

In propinquity,
