Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Company We Keep

The Company We Keep

above all other things love rules

the affirming rewards of friendship
might be muddled or indeterminate
by imposed anxieties weighing on us


no matter how fragile we become
no matter how cauterized by grief

we are a gorgeous study of propinquity
knitted tightly together with visceral detail
to conquer all with collective courage

above all other things love endures

the nurturing gratuity of feminine bonds
describe the unmapped terrain of our nature
a nonlinear narrative asserts our united oaths

the company we keep pronounces our prayers
the company we keep sustains our constitution

above all other things amity enriches

deepens our faith
enhances our confidence
heightens our convictions
supplements our trust
eliminates our fears

no matter how breakable we feel
no matter how disheartened we are

the company we keep keeps us breathing


Throughout my lifetime, I have been fortunate enough to encounter a great number of tremendous humans.  Some of them stayed for the briefest of moments, some stayed long enough for me to learn something either about myself or the world and others have entered my life and are here to stay.  I am grateful to every single soul for their lessons and their love, however short-lived, transistory or lasting.  But it is to those who have planted roots, those constant in my journey that I dedicate this to.  You all know who you are.

Just a friendly reminder to you all, love your people with all of your might.  Appreciate them.  Support them and be kind.  Never slight or antagonize or lie to them.  Your people are your estate, treat them as such.  Build them up, encourage them and let them shine.  Life is too short to mistreat your treasured few.

I get by with a little help from my friends …

In propinquity,


  1. Thank you for this poem, Nicole. I needed the reminder today. I always love my people; I just forget sometimes how much. And the needs of others get in the way of my loved ones so I'm not always as present as I should be with those who truly count. Your gorgeous-as-usual poem has me somewhat sheepish for the tantrums I've thrown this week when in truth it's my own doing. Priorities, priorities, time to reframe. I love you, Bean; you and one other. Always.

    1. I love you too, Ru. Both of you. Ever grateful. These words are for my people, like the two of you.
