Sunday, July 15, 2012

Artist Date

I took myself out on a an 'artist date' yesterday.  I got up early, went to cardio with my best friend, had some breakfast and when I got home I felt my mood begin to spiral into a foul state.  Rather than wallow in it, I put myself together, tucked my reading material, a notebook and a pen in my bag and ventured out into the sunny afternoon with no destination in mind.  I just knew I had to foster my spirit into happiness and try and enjoy the day.

The concept of an 'artist date' comes directly from the pages of 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron (one of the books I commonly refer to when I need a kick in the pants).  Culled from her pages:

'An artist date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nutruing your creative consciousness, your inner artist.  It its most primary form, the artist date is an excursion, a play date that you preplan and defend against all interlopers.  You do not take anyone on this artist date but you and your inner artist, a.k.a your creative child.'

This particular date wasn't planned but it was needed to bring myself out of my pending funk.  I had no solid plan but I had a calming day.  I treated myself to a low-fat lunch, started a new book, stocked up on my favorite raspberry body butter from The Body Shop that is incredibly hard to find (I'm swanked up now!), acquired new stationary that I used to write notes to friends while I sipped on a delightful earl grey latte.  In addition to pondering a thoughtful housewarming gift for a friend, people-watching and further window shopping, I spent time just breathing, feeling the warm sun on my face and regulating the beat of my heavy heart.  They work every time, artist dates.  I didn't write anything but I am confident that I filled the well up a bit more for future writings.  I capped the day off sharing a few laughs with some friends out in the back yard and put myself to bed early.  It was fantastic Saturday, any day or time spent on date with myself to nourish my inner creative is time well spent.

Fellow creatives, I challenge you to award yourself 'artist dates' frequently if you aren't already.  Friendly readers, I challenge you to the same.  Everyone deserves a little 'me' time, whether you are writing a screenplay, a novel or you're juggling a busy lifestyle with work and kids and feel like you have little time for yourself.  We ALL can find the time to be kind to ourselves at least one hour per week.  To do something just for yourself.  We all deserve it. 

A little verse for Sunday:


it is difficult to speak to you
w/out the language of legs and hands

i grow weary

trying to articulate my heart book
when fiction prevents you from listening

at all

i brood from this chair
following breath instead of brain

this is a poem
this is you
this is me

and everything in between

it is a task in futility
w/out the lexicon of eyes and mouth

i become dormant

struggling to mold something out of nothing
when kneading and pressing avert your interest


this is a poem


and a deep sleep


Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday and hope you will consider the challenge to take some time just for yourself, just to breathe, just to be and to honour yourself.  You work hard, you deserve it.

In propinquity,

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