Monday, January 13, 2020



if he
had two cents to rub together
he wouldn’t know what to do
but ask him about his long list
of embellished yearnings and
witness his empty head rise up
and through the billowy clouds
            the songs he could sing


I thought about this word my whole morning commute. I noted it some time ago and happened upon it while packing things in my work bag. It was scratched on a wrinkled piece of paper. If it’d been left unattended at the bottom of my things, it may not have survived much longer in a receipt purge. I’m grateful to have found it. I’m grateful it helped me deliver this small verse. It felt good to put words together after attending two funerals in the span of a week. Being able to create something, even as miniscule as the above poem, did my heart good.

To increase my spirit, which has been lacking a great deal for some time it seems, I have set out on a new, slightly humorous piece of short fiction. I’m confident this little adventure will add levity to my days. It’s all scribble and notes for the moment but I shall endeavor to mold it into an enjoyable (I hope) read/escape. I may call on a few of you for select details!

Happy Monday.

In propinquity,

1 comment:

  1. As always my goddess of grabbed my attention❤
