Thursday, August 29, 2019

He Knows

He Knows

on a slate grey morning in winter
I sat at the kitchen nook with him
listening to the sound of rustling
paper & the cool intonation of his
bitter insights – I can only offer a
series of rueful laughs
            he knows that he is adored

Scribbled a little something down while eating my breakfast today. It’s one of those stolen moments where I pecked without remembering I even did it. I love the feeling of coming out of those little creative hazes to discover a verse or a paragraph or a story before me. Nothing like it.

In propinquity,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Some Nights

Some Nights

you dance
w/ tears in your


My bud came around with a little prompt for me. A one-lined poem. I got fancy and formed it like a poem but it’s basically one little line, standing alone, like the Cheese. A small but mighty writing exercise and outcome. At least it was for me.

In propinquity,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

forgot, forgotten.

forgot, forgotten.

as soon as  
I realized you were lost (to me)
it was too late to fill the blazing void
that dun-colored morning you arranged a
quick departure across a soft sea of clouds
to the home of neon avenues & rolling hills
my eyes brimmed with tears
my heart mourned
as soon as
I found myself looking in from the outside
barred by a great wall of shielding shadows
grievous fair-haired obstacles posing as stern
substitutes for inspiration
            ingenious social butterflies who know
better than you or I (supposedly) – I understood
light no longer inhabits the stone &   
                                                from such darkness
I must survive the sun alone


My bud who sends me excellent writing prompts was on an internet hiatus. They went off the grid to travel and write and live and breathe. What a miraculous thing, yes?! I can’t say I’m not envious. That said, I woke this morning to this imagine in my email, a photo prompt. The words came fast. You should have seen the typos in my phone!

Another poem written always makes me feel good, especially since I’ve hit a brick wall with my project. I finished a creative non-fiction piece the other day and quickly started another, true to form with this ‘Family Ties’ project – but when I attempted to work on it. My head was empty. I don’t know what happened. Just suddenly, stuck. And with so much today. This prompt was timely. I likely won’t see another for awhile again but today I made something so yay me.

In propinquity,