Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Always A Story Told

Always A Story Told

it seeps into your bones
when Spring is still grey
or when a silky sun sets
that solitary endeavour
for the burdened            
                and the starved
the most Canadian of authors
forego purported
folk-art pretenses
decisive tastes
heavy handedness
big green tent parties
robust tea-leaves
red rusted Volvos
ankle-length caftans
snowy patriarchal beards
for undisclosed faddish frills
to be laugh-out-loud funny
for several pages at a time
stars in up-scale hair salons
belly up for a cheesy burger
                just to be able to play
it settles in your stomach
like morning sky’s indifference
or when winter winds screech
presumptive parables of fear
for the designated
                and the encumbered
under-songs for storytellers
firmaments for the fictive
                always a story told
a wound opened

it is also poetry


On the days when the world around me stinks, the people simply suck, and the weather is still unfairly unseasonable: I write. It makes me feel better, helps me to be forgiving, forgetful, fortunate. Brings me back to the earth where all of the good things are.

Grateful for words and my ability to use them.

In propinquity,


  1. This was born form a crappy day???? I must apply myself more firmly to my craft. You shame me with your gift. This is wonderful, Bean. Simply wonderful.

    1. It was indeed born from a messy mood and you know, when I read back on it, I can hardly remember writing it. The words claimed me and I let them.

    2. A true poet will write as if possessed. Better to remember the writing than the mood that inspired it, you'd think?
