Thursday, June 19, 2014

So, Sylvia ...

I came across this wonderful little image on the inter-web.  We are so accustomed to thinking about Sylvia in her darkest hour, head in the oven at the end of her life; this reminded me that she was a woman, a mother, a wife, an active member of the creative universe.  She smiled even though she cried.  But most of all, she was a writer.  Intelligent and thoughtful, relevant.  

I stopped for a moment to consider the expression on her sketched face and the bullet points around her pretty head.  Her words, her effort, her artistic spirit; they lasted long after her vessel expired.  Her presence in the physical world was meaningful.  She left footprints, deep, indelible impressions.

Believe in your story.

Work at it everyday.

Keep trying.

... this, my new writing mantra.  

Thank you, Sylvia Plath.  Not for teaching me but for reminding me.

In propinquity,


  1. Shame on me! How did I miss this??? You're right, Nic; I don't know much about Sylvia beyond her untimely end - which serves to remind us that the creative spirit can be as fragile as it can be ferocious. We are all haunted.

    I like the mantra. Am adopting it forthwith. (Oh, darn, got so engrossed in this post that I've let my tea oversteep ...)
