Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Preposterous, but delightful …

Preposterous, but delightful …

be eloquent, your true imaginary best
procrastinate, pen the perfect sentence late

be essential, collect a slew quantifiable accolades
adjourn, to muse on the publish or perish superlative

be cagey, reveal your sensibilities on third impression
intend, smile and perform tongue twisters in silence

do not be haunted by looming long shadows
do not be frightened of staggering contradictions

do not be repetitive, snappy or sound phony

be superstitious, about hubris and about hilarity
position, be coolly deliberate and be elegant in clarity

be contradictory, situate yourself aesthetically on the verge
sustain, selfishly replete with outstanding inventive narratives

do not be a clichéd carbon copy

be preposterous, but delightful


I haven’t been writing much these days but that doesn’t mean that something isn’t brewing.  I have a folder as thick as my head full of notes and snippets of conversations, thoughts and descriptions for my pending story.  Yes, I did write the first page or so that I’ve since added and subtracted to but I’m still uncertain on exactly how to proceed.  In the meantime, I’ve accumulated a stack of material that is begging to be molded into a story.  The characters are full figured (fictionally of course) and active but I’m being cautious instead of anxious.  I like these women, new female characters, creative people (yes again, I know) and I want to do them justice; funny that I ended up writing a poem about one of them today.  The title is almost how I feel about her (Tilda).  She is indeed preposterous but delightful.  This poem is a nod her and my gratitude for her presence in my imagination and whispering to me.  I can’t wait to share her story.

I know it’s only a wee update but the poem perked me up today and I wanted to share.

In propinquity,



  1. This poem is good advice, Nic. As soon as I read it, I felt brave enough to continue writing blind. I'm so afraid if wrecking what I've done so far on my "vacation story" that I've started hiccoughing and second guessing myself. A little polishing as you go is fine, but agonizing over a single phrase when the bulk of the work is waiting to be done ... that's a problem.

    Hey, this poem is good advice for life as well. Preposterous, I can do. If being delightful results, all the better. Thank you for this, and for you. You're my best Bean.

    1. It sums up who Tilda is and serves as a good reminder for the rest of us. Funny, it didn't even occur to me it was versified bit of advice but I love that has been received as such. I'm actually reading it in an alternative light than the one I wrote it in! That's uber cool for me!

      And, best Bean!? I'll take it!

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